Patient Stories

Every member of the Confident Dental & Implant Clinic team works incredibly hard every day to ensure our patients enjoy the very best experience at our practice. We have received some wonderful feedback from our patients, and we are very grateful that they took the time to get in touch to let us know that we’re getting it right.


Della came to have her full dentures replaced with implants. She had some teeth removed when she was 30, at the time her only option was dentures. This restricted her diet, she was unable to eat carrots and apples as the plate moved around. After doing some research around implants, Della came to Confident to see Dr Neil. Firstly, she had her lower implants done, she was nervous about this at first but this gave her the confidence to then have her upper implants placed. IV sedation helped Della with the treatment. She looks back and she would have never had her picture taken prior to having treatment, let alone film a testimonial. She wouldn’t eat in front of strangers; she would hide her mouth. Della has gained more confidence from this. She felt relaxed at the clinic, feeling that everyone around her was happy.


Lisa had a bad experience when she was younger which put her off visiting the dentist for the rest of her life. This caused her teeth to deteriorate. Lisa came for a check-up and found out she needed RCT. When talking through the treatment, she felt so anxious at the thought of it. Lisa was offered sedation to help with the treatment. She would not have even had the treatment without it, she would’ve carried on in pain. The option of sedation allowed her to relax more about having treatment. Lisa chose to have IV sedation. She was aware of what was going on during her treatment but she can’t remember the procedure. Lisa has had treatment under sedation twice now, almost overcoming her fear of the dentist. She thinks she would be able to have treatment without sedation now. She has the confidence to come to the dentist without any fear.


Sam had two implants with Dr Neil. She is so pleased to finally have her smile back, which has changed her life. She was previously in pain and very nervous so put off coming to see us. Sam wanted to avoid dentures, so she chose a more permanent treatment option. She was immediately put at ease after seeing Dr Neil. Sam realised she needed to go ahead with the treatment after Dr Neil explained she was losing bone. Sam was grateful for the caring nature she was shown during her appointments.


Roy has had 3 implants placed, that also required him to have bone graft. He was hesitant at first due to his commitments to travelling for work. He then realised the impact of leaving the gaps, therefore deciding to go ahead with treatment after some persuasion from his daughter-in-law. Roy was grateful for us working around his busy schedule.


Colin was referred to us after being concerned about losing the function of his teeth. He describes the results as absolutely outstanding he is grateful for his treatment being such a positive experience and didn’t hesitate to return for another implant when he lost another tooth. Colin explained Dr Neil managed his expectations, he also praises the professionalism and caring nature of the rest of the Confident team.


Ian moved to the area from London, his previous dentist advised him that he would need an implant due to the failure of a crown. After some research, he found Confident Dental and Implant Clinic. After a consultation with Dr Neil, they decided to replace all upper teeth with 5 implants and a fixed bridge. Roy wanted natural looking teeth, and he is so pleased with the outcome of the treatment and how it has restored his quality of life.


David was referred to Confident Dental from his practice in Cheltenham. He was interested in implants for some gaps he had caused by rugby trauma over 40 years ago. At his consultation, David received a few treatment options to improve the health, function, and aesthetics of his teeth. He was concerned the treatment would be painful however he was pleasantly surprised to find the treatment process was painless. David’s life has changed since having implants, his chewing function has been restored and he is so pleased he can now eat properly.


Natalie had wanted orthodontic treatment for a few years but had waited a while until she found someone she trusted. She felt at ease with our Specialist Orthodontist Vas. The treatment Natalie opted for was a ‘six-month smile’, she wore ceramic fixed braces for 6 months and then once they were removed she wore a clear removable retainer. She is currently wearing her retainer all the time, but was worried that it would affect her speech. She found that once she was used to the retainer her speech wasn’t affected at all. She will then go on to wear her retainer only at night. Spreading the cost of her treatment with our payment plan was the best option for Natalie. Using her clear retainer, Natalie is now whitening her teeth to enhance her new straight smile!

Mrs Shankland

Mrs Shankland was referred to us by her regular dentist in Stroud. She has had a gap for over 10 years, her general dentist offered her a partial denture, but she was hesitant to go for this option as she felt it would be uncomfortable and therefore she wouldn’t wear it. Another solution to this was to have an implant. After her consultation Mrs Shankland discovered that she had an infection in another tooth, this was found on her full mouth x-ray. Dr Neil advised her that treating this infection was a higher priority than her implant. Mrs Shankland made an appointment to see Dr Arzandeh, our Specialist Endodontist. She felt comfortable knowing Dr Arzandeh’s extensive experience in treating patients. Once she had completed this treatment; she went back to Dr Neil to start her implant treatment. Mrs Shankland explains the treatment she received but she was surprised to realise it was less painful than she thought it would be. She is excited to have full function and to be able to eat normally on the right side again.


Wendy previously had a denture, which she could not tolerate, this knocked her confidence and prevented her from leaving the house. Initially, she was a very nervous patient who desperately wanted to remove dentures from her life. After losing almost all of her upper teeth and being unable to tolerate a denture, she came to us for all on 4 treatment with Dr Neil. She had 5 implants placed on her upper jaw and a fixed bridge attached. This treatment restored both Wendy’s appearance and function by replacing all her upper teeth. She now has the confidence to go out with her friends again. Wendy doesn’t even notice her implant bridge is there, they are just like having normal teeth. The added benefit of not having to take them out like she previously did with her dentures has made her life so much easier.

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